Welcome to Vendor Oasis


About us

Vendor Oasis is dedicated to facilitating connections between small businesses and event promotors. Our platform is designed to simplify the process and create valuable opportunities for both parties. We are committed to helping our clients achieve their event planning goals.


Vendor Connection

Vendor Connection: Streamline the process of finding the right event promotor.

Promotor Connection

Promotor Connection: Discover and connect with small businesses seamlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Vendor Oasis connect small businesses with event promotors?

Vendor Oasis uses a proprietary matching algorithm to connect businesses with event promotors based on their specific needs and goals.

What sets Vendor Oasis apart from other event planning platforms?

Vendor Oasis focuses on personalized recommendations and efficient networking, creating targeted opportunities for both small businesses and event promotors.

Is Vendor Oasis available for businesses outside of Los Angeles, California?

Yes, Vendor Oasis is available all over the state of California, not limited to Los Angeles, California.

Contact us

Reach out to us and start making meaningful connections today.


  1. There should and always be mutual respect between the vendors, promotor, and venue.
  2. In the event of any cancellation all monies received will be credited to a future event.
  3. The application process is to look at the website see what event you are interested in and then fill out the applications. You will be contacted within 24 hours.
  4. We are looking to collaborate with vendors and promotors who believes in an efficiency and professionally as a basic standards.


Vendor Oasis
Los Angeles, California, United States